Click here for InteliMap PRO on the Unity Asset Store
InteliMap PRO is the tool for you to use if you are looking to improve your 2D map design workflow, or if you want to create stunning AI generated tilemaps. It's main features are editor tools for you to easily and quickly create entire environments that look handcrafted, it also includes tools for highly performant runtime generation.
InteliMap PRO is the successor to InteliMap AI Tilemap Generator. Now with massively improved build times and many new features!
InteliMap supports any 2D tilemap, allowing you to simply use any tilemap you desire and start creating quicky, no coding required! Designed to be as simple and hassle-free as possible, this is sure to be the ideal asset for your game.
- Editor tools for you to quickly create vast environments in as little as one click!
- Generate detailed levels at runtime.
- Supports single-layered and multi-layered tilemaps!
- Supports rectangular, isometric, and hexagonal tilemaps!
- Integrates seamlessly with Unity's Tilemaps, no external tools nessesary!
- Tons of customizable features to finely tune your generation to exactly your needs.
- Incredibly simple to use API for easily creating your own runtime behaviours.
- Full source code included.
- Includes 8 example scenes complete with unique tilemaps and tilesets.
PRO Features:
- Massively improved build speed, tested at up to 32x faster!
- More streamlined building and generation process.
- Asynchronous runtime generation for no lag spikes or loading screens!
- Optional animated generation.
- Ability to use any prefab as a tile!
- Even more settings and customizability!
- Completely refactored codebase for increased efficiency and stability.
Includes third-party tilemap assets. All third-party assets used are public domain. More information can be found in the Third-Party Notices.txt file in the package.
This quick start guide is intended to get you using InteliMap AI Tilemap Generator as quickly as possible. If you'd like to learn more please watch the advanced guide as well, thank you!
This advanced guide will teach you many tips and tricks for InteliMap PRO. It includes information on all the different settings, how to use prefabs as tiles, and how to use the API to create your own runtime generation behaviour.
InteliMap PRO is a tool that allows you to create stunning AI generated tilemaps, no coding required! Up to 32x faster build times compared to the original InteliMap and now with many new features! Buy now on the Unity Asset Store!
Getting Started
InteliMap PRO works using a system of builders and generators. First an InteliMapBuilder analyzes some example environment, this will generate a GeneratorData scriptable object. This scriptable object can then be used with an InteliMapGenerator component in order to generate tilemaps.
To begin this process first make sure you have added a tilemap to your scene, and created an example map using a tile
palette of your choice (this is done exactly the same as in vanilla Unity, if you would like to learn how, watch the beginning of the
Quick Start Guide). Next you'll want to add an IntelliMapBuilder
component to any object in your scene. Now you'll need to add the example tilemap as a BuildMap for the builder, there
are two ways to do this.
- On the left side of the scene view there will be a tool bar. When you have selected an object
with an
component, there will a tool with a hammer icon. Simply selecting that tool and dragging a box over the example map will add that area to the builders build maps. - Clicking the plus icon on the build maps list will add a new build map. On the new entry you can select the map layers and bounds you would like to use. You can add multiple layers to build a multi-layered tilemap.
After you added all your build maps, you can simply click Build Generator on the builder. This will prompt you to pick a location to save the GeneratorData scriptable object, once you select a location, the training will begin. This may take a short time, but once it is done the generator data will be trained and ready to be used in an InteliMapGenerator component. To create that component you can simply click Create Generator Component on the builder. To get started using the generator, you have three options.
- On the left side of the scene view there will be a tool bar. When you have selected an object with an
component, there will be a tool with a map icon. Simply selecting that tool and dragging a box over the area you would like to generate will generate in that area. - The
component includes a few buttons that will cause it to instantly generate at that generators boundsToFill. Change the bounds to whatever you would like, then hit the Generate button. - You can also generate during runtime, this can be done either on scene start, or however else you like according to your custom runtime behaviours. You can read more about runtime generation in section 4.
Runtime Generation
On Start
By default, InteliMapGenerator's generateOnStart property is set to true. This means that if that InteliMapGenerator component is enabled. Then upon the scene starting (MonoBehaviour.Start), the area corresponding to that components boundsToFill and areaToFill will be generated.
How to Create Custom Runtime Behaviour
If you need more functionality than just generating on start, you will need to interact with the InteliMapGenerator through a script. In this short step by step guide you will learn how to create your own custom runtime generation behaviour with InteliMap.
Step 1: First create the component you wish to use to control this runtime generation. To do this right click on the assets panel, then
Create > C# Script
. This script will be responsible for controlling, in this example I'll be naming this script RuntimeExample.
All of InteliMap PROs code is under the InteliMapPro
namespace, thus you must should put using InteliMapPro;
at the top of your project. At the end of
step one your script should look like this (extra comments have also been included):
using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;using InteliMapPro;// needed to interact with InteliMapGenerator public class RuntimeExample :MonoBehaviour {// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { }// Update is called once per frame void Update() { } }
Step 2: Next you'll need to be able to interact with an InteliMapGenerator
. To do this add a public InteliMapGenerator
variable, this will
allow you to set your generator through the inspector. Now to generate you will want to call the StartGenerationAsync()
method of that generator (if
you want seeded generation, you can use the StartGenerationAsyncWithSeed(int seed)
method). The reason you should use the asynchronous version of the generation
instead of the synchronous version is because the asynchronous versions are non-blocking, whereas the synchronous versions are blocking and may cause a lag spike if the area
to fill is large enough.
using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;using InteliMapPro;// needed to interact with InteliMapGenerator public class RuntimeExample :MonoBehaviour {public InteliMapGenerator generator;// the generator to use for runtime generation // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { generator.StartGenerationAsync();// starts the generator upon Start // generator.StartGenerationAsyncWithSeed(1234); // also for generating with a seed }// Update is called once per frame void Update() { } }
Step 3: Now that you have the basic generation working, you can do anything you'd like with the generator by moving its boundsToFill property and then calling StartGeneration. For example, if you wanted to make a side scrolling environment, you could you could incrementally move the boundsToFill's position to the right, and then call generate. One thing to note is to make sure the bounds overlap with what is already placed, if there is no overlap then the generator will not bother to meaningfully connect the tiles and you will end up with rough boundaries between the generated areas.
using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;using InteliMapPro;// needed to interact with InteliMapGenerator public class RuntimeExample :MonoBehaviour {public InteliMapGenerator generator;// the generator to use for runtime generation public int chunkSize = 16;public float timePerChunk = 1.0f;// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { generator.StartAsyncGeneration();// starts the generator upon Start // generator.StartGenerationAsyncWithSeed(1234); // also for generating with a seed // Set the generators bounds to fill size to match the chunk size (+1 to ensure an overlap) generator.boundsToFill.size =new Vector3Int (chunkSize + 1, generator.boundsToFill.size.y, generator.boundsToFill.size.z); }// Update is called once per frame void Update() {// Increase the timer timer += Time.deltaTime;if (timer > timePerChunk) {// Reset the timer timer = 0.0f;// Tell the generator to generate generator.StartGenerationAsync();// Move the generators position to the right generator.boundsToFill.position +=new Vector3Int (chunkSize, 0, 0); } } }
Tips and Tricks
How to maximize speed
In order to maximize the speed of InteliMap, there are a few things you should keep in mind.
Most importantly is you should try to keep the amount of unique tiles as low as possible, this is because the machine learning model needs to make a unique prediction for each unique tile and because the time complexity algorithm used to resolve the contraints during generation is proportional to the cube of the number of unique tiles. Some things you can do keep the unique tile count low is to make sure you don't have duplicate tiles. InteliMap counts unique tiles based on the tiles that compose it, even if it may look exactly identical to another tile.
You should also try to keep the build maps as small as possible. It is sometimes better to split up a large build map into multiple smaller ones in order to gain speed. Note that this is only recommended when the generator does not use positional or border information as inputs, as splitting up the build map would cause it to use different inputs than intended.
Finally you should also use an approriate amount of training threads to build a generator. This currently defaults to 16, but it can be increased for even more performance if your machine has enough resources for all the threads. As a general rule of thumb, this value should be equal to the amount of cores on your CPU.
How to Pick Builder Settings
The epochs value is how many times to train the generator on the build maps. For simple maps this can be as little as a few hundred to a thousand, but for more complicated maps it may need to be larger than that.
One of the most important settings of the builder is the neighborhood radius. This is the radius around a tile that can influence what that tile becomes. The higher this value is, the longer building and generation may take. For most environments this should be set to around 2 or 3.
Advanced Generator Settings
The advanced generator settings are what determines how the generator will behave. The connectivity of the generator is how it will enforce which tiles are allowed to be connected to each other. There are also additional settings that allow the generator to use the position of a tile relative to the bounds of generation as an input.
Note that for hexagonal maps, the horizontal axis actually corresponds to the y direction, and similarly the vertical axis of a hexagonal map actually corresponds to the x direction. Thus if you want the connectivity of the top and bottom of a hexagonal map enforced, you would actually need to enable the left and right settings of enforce border connectivity.
Advanced Training Settings
The amount of training threads is the most important value that will determine the speed of the build. As a general rule of thumb, this value should be equal to the amount of cores on your CPU.
The learning rate can also highly influence the speed of the build, currently this defaults to some relatively low numbers, and thus training can be sped up by increasing these. However, increasing these too high may result in some numbers overflowing into NaN values, ruining the generator.
How to Pick Generator Settings
There are two values on the InteliMap Generator component that can influence the behaviour of the generation. These being
and randomOrder
Temperature influences the randomness of the generator, this should be increased if the generator is producing very "bland" generation, it can also be decreased if the generator is producing undesireably wild generation. Note that this value is unclamped and can be set to as far positive or as far negative as you wish, however setting this value to extreme will impact performance. As a general rule of thumb, this value shouldn't surpass +10 or -10.
Random order determines what percentage of tiles will be placed completely randomly instead of being based on the confidence of the generator. If this is set to 0, then during generator, the next tile is always based off what tile the generator has the highest confidence in (this is similar to how wave function collapse works). If this is set to 1, then the generator will decide the next tile to place completely randomly. This should be increased if the generator is producing a lot of unwanted repeating patterns.
Training and Retraining a Generator
After a generator data object has been created. It can continue to be trained simply by placing the object back into the InteliMap Builder, then training again. This will recompute all the connectivity data for the component and continue training the weights and parameters of the machine learning model. Note that retraining the generator will not change many of its settings such as neighborhood radius or what to use as inputs.
Thus, if you want to recompute the connectivity data for a generator, but don't want to modify its parameters. You can train it for 0 epochs, this will reset the connectivity but not affect the parameters.
Using a Prefab as a Tile
If you would like to use a prefab as a tile, there is a very simple way to do that. You need to create a PrefabTile instance, then when that tile is included in a build map, InteliMap will recognize it like any other tile, and when that tile is generated it will also be generated with the prefab.
To do this, first create a PrefabTile instance by in your project going Create > InteliMap Pro > Prefab Tile. Now that you have created a prefab tile instance, you can set the sprite and prefab variables to whatever you would like. Afterwards, you can then add that tile to a tile palette and draw with it just like you would any other tile. Note that the prefab of the tile may not be shown in the tile palette, however it will still have that prefab in the scene. InteliMap stores tiles using the TileBase class, so it will recognize anything that extends from TileBase (such as PrefabTile in this example).
Using the Random Tile
The Random Tile is included in InteliMap PRO 1.0.3 or later. It allows you to create a tile that randomly decides, at runtime, which Sprite it
should use. The choice is made from the possibleSprites
sprite array of the RandomTile. However, InteliMap will recognize this Random Tile as a
single tile. Therefore, it can be used to generate multiple variations of a tile (e.g., different "grass" sprites within a single RandomTile), while
being perceived as a single tile by InteliMap. Utilizing this method can help speed up both the building and generation process of InteliMap by
reducing the number of unique tiles. This Random Tile can be created by right clicking on the project, then selecting Create > InteliMap Pro >
Random Tile
, after it has been created it can be placed into a tile palette and used like any other tile.
Script Reference
Everything in InteliMap PRO is under the InteliMapPro
Major Objects
Used for building InteliMapGenerators, which can be used to create AI generated tilemaps. Intended to be used while creating your scene, then removed before release. You can build during runtime, however it is not recommended due to the sometimes long build times.
Can be used with a GeneratorData scriptable object to create AI generated tilemaps, can be used in the editor or at runtime.
Minor Objects
An enumerator of the result code of the most recent build from an InteliMapBuilder.
A struct that allows storing four bools that correspond to the four orthogonal directions.
A single entry in the InteliMapBuilder's build maps.
A class used to store all the advanced settings related to the generator for the InteliMapBuilder.
A class used to store all the advanced settings related to the training for the InteliMapBuilder.
An enum dictating how to enforce which tiles can connect to which other tiles. Four way connectivity (Connectivity.FourWay) means only the orthogonal connections are enforced, eight way (Connectivity.EightWay) means diagonal connections are also enforced. Hexagonal connectivity (Connectivity.Hexagonal) should be used on hexagonal grids.
Contact Information
If you have any questions or inquires please email